Faqs About Having A Cat Spayed

If you adopt a female cat into your family, then you are going to want to have that cat spayed. Doing so is best for the cat's health and for the well-being of the overall cat population. However, if you're like many cat owners, you might have a couple of questions about spaying. Review the article that follows for the answers.

How old should cats be when they get spayed?

The common advice in the veterinary industry is to have your female cat spayed before she reaches the age of five months. While this may seem young, it is the age at which a cat reaches sexual maturity and is therefore capable of reproducing. Spaying the cat before she reaches sexual maturity helps ensure she does not have any kittens, which is a way of battling cat overpopulation and overflowing shelters.

What does spaying involve?

Spaying is an abdominal surgery, but it is a rather routine one. The vet will make an incision in your cat's lower abdomen. Through this incision, they will remove the uterus and ovaries from the cat's body. Then, the incision will be sutured shut. This whole procedure is done under anesthesia, which means the cat doesn't feel anything and is not awake during the surgery. 

Will your cat have pain as she recovers?

Cats do experience some pain as they recover from spaying, but this pain can easily be managed. Your vet will typically send you home with pain relievers to give your cat for several days. You can also limit your cat's activity levels, which will help prevent her from straining her incision. Put all of her supplies, including food, litter, and her bed, on one floor of your home. Make sure she also has a comfortable spot to sleep on the floor so she is not tempted to jump onto beds or furniture.

What are the health benefits of spaying your cat?

Vets often tell owners that spaying their cat is what's healthiest for their cat. But what are the actual health benefits associated with the procedure? The biggest of them is that cats who have been spayed cannot develop common reproductive cancers. Spayed female cats are also much less prone to mammary cancer, and they are less likely to be injured outside because they are less likely to wander.

Now that your biggest questions have been answered, you're ready to schedule an appointment for your cat to be spayed. A veterinarian can answer any questions you may have about spaying and neutering cats. 

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Working With Your Animal's Doctor

How long has it been since you took your pet to the veterinarian? Although many people underestimate the importance of regular veterinary care, a little early attention and preventative action can go a long way. We started focusing more and more on our pet's general health after they started to get older, and it was a little discouraging to see how much help they really needed. However, after we started making some changes, it was cool to see our animals blossom into happier, healthier animals. On this website, check out how working with your animal's doctor might help your pet to live a better life.



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